Josep Lluís Mateo
Architect ·Barcelona, 1949
Architect since 1974 and PhD (cum laude) since 1994, by the UPC-Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya. Architecture and Projects teachers on ETH-Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Polytechnic Federal University). Mateo has an office in Barcelona, and is currently involved in several local and international projects, such as a complex of 100 house units in Toulouse-Blagnac (France), the remodeling of the El Ninot market in Barcelona, the remodeling of the Adour river bay area in Bayonne (France), the master plan for the Pôle Multimodal Nice-Aéroport quartier d'affaires Grand Arénas in Nice (França), among others. With each of his projects, Mateo seeks to connect the construction practice with research and development, in both intellectual and programmatic terms.
2001 - XV Premio Grupo Dragados de Arquitectura y Fundación CEOE.
2001 - Association of Balearic Island Architects (COAIB) - first prize.
2006 – Contractworld Award.
2008 – Archizinc.
2008 - Top International Purpose-Built Venue.
2010 - Aplus Award.
2010 - IV NAN Award.
2011 - V NAN Award.
2011 - Aplus Award.